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Vice Chancellor’s Address

Vice Chancellor's Address

In his beginning of semester address, the university Vice Chancellor, Dr Henrie Buregea PhD said that LivingStone International University has seen a lot of transitions and amongst those transitions, we’ve got a lot of challenges but we thank God we’ve kept on overcoming and we are still moving on.
The VC encouraged everyone to take part as we continue growing.
He noted that last year was very challenging as students were transitioning from the lock down and we thank God we can now realise that there’s transformation taking shape.
Dr Buregea noted that last year students faced challenges of not raising fees on time and this prevented many from registering on time. He encouraged the students to this time clear their dues to enable smooth running of the university activities by making sure they comply with the university requirements.
He hinted on the university process of working towards acquiring the Charter. He says the management is working along NCHE in preparation of the road map of the Charter acquisition.
He requested everyone to pray for the university donors that are working hard to have the main building in place. “We are working very hard with the team from the US to start the construction of our main building.” He noted that as LivingStones, we are all ambassadors of Christ both on campus and outside the university premises. In his remarks, the VC encouraged students to sign and adhere to the students code of conduct so that together we do what is expected of each one of us while at LIU. “We should all have a spirit of togetherness as a family and this will keep us growing in a right direction as God continuesto lead us.” he added.