“Education is the best heritage for any human being.”
There is nothing as important as quality education; which is and will remain the backbone of both individual and community transformation.
LivingStone International University (LIU) exists to transform Africa through quality Christ-centered higher education.
In a community, when quality education is ensured for any individual then that community can be positively transformed. At LIU, we offer a holistic approach to acquiring an education that is filled with quality knowledge and hands-on skills in an experience that provides a total transformation for each of our students. Students are enabled to fulfill his or her full potential in the classroom and out with the support of dedicated staff and small mentor groups.
LIU offers the best teaching and learning opportunity in the following disciplines at both bachelor and diploma levels: Media Technology, Business Administration, Information technology, Education and Christian Ministry. The University also offers various short courses (CISCO, Health Records Management, etc.) These courses allow members to improve the quality of services in their organizations and communities.
LIU is international, meaning it is equipped with academic staff from broad experiences in their fields of expertise. Both staff and students come from various nations of Africa, Asia, and the United States. The learning environment meets global educational standards that make the LIU more attractive and outstanding among other universities.
This century needs women and men who are capable of building their communities and nations for long-lasting development. LIU is the place to train such women and men.
LivingStone is a personal university whose vision is to produce leaders who are ethical, empowered, and employable at every level of social interaction.
By putting LIU graduates in the right positions and equipping them with necessary resources, it is then that we will see the guarantee of long-lasting development. In addition, true transformation for development through Christ-centered education becomes the most necessary heritage needed by both current and future generations.
As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:4-5