LivingStone International University (LIU) is a private non-profit Christian University established in Mbale Uganda. The vision come from the missionaries of the New Testament Churches of Christ who saw the need to have a greater influence through education so that communities can be improved for Christ.
LIU was granted a letter of interim authority by the Uganda National Council for Higher education to begin operating in 2008. In Mbale 2010, after vigorous inspections and interviews, a provisional license was granted, which authorizes LIU to admit students and issue degrees. The process of acquiring the Charter is in progress. All degrees have been accredited by the NCHE and we look forward to the future expansion as God provides.
LivingStone International University is seeking to transform Africa through quality Christ-centered Higher education and the LIU vision is taking shape rapidly with much work to be done. Already 56 acres of land have been acquired in a key location on the Mbale to Jinja highways near Mbale.
The permanent campus plan development is made up of modern, pristine buildings as part of master plan designed by Engineering Ministries International to accommodate student growth to 4,000 over 15 years. The University opened the doors to its first class on January 16 2012.
LivingStone International University is an accredited Christian university in Uganda. It is religious and explicitly Christian in its name, in its mission statement, and in its scripture: 1Peter 2:4-5.
Staff members are appointed to the University regardless of race, ethnic background, gender, or physical ability. Academic staff members are expected to study and teach freely in the tradition of Christian scholarship, remembering that “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom”. Students are admitted to the University regardless of race, ethnic background, gender, or physical disability. Students will be admitted to the University and continue in good standing so long as they observe and respect the rules below;
Building the Nations of Africa
Ethical, empowered, employable Christian Leaders in every sector of society.
LivingStone International University exists to transform Africa through quality Christ-centered higher education.
We aim to become a recognizably Christian institution known for integrity, perseverance, faithfulness, service, and love.
We aim to provide a modern education in an African context – relevant to Africans and drawing from the best gifts and perspectives of its countries.
We aim for the highest international standards for scholarship and achievement.
We aim to develop students who are motivated and prepared to produce in the real world for the good of their families and of society.
We aim to direct our students towards God’s Mission in the world: a mission of creating, healing, building, loving, teaching, serving, and saving.
We aim to be a force for community transformation and development on this continent, targeting every area of human society.
Seeking to love God with all our heart, as He has revealed Himself.
We believe that there is ONE TRUE GOD who has been and always will be existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three are equal in power and glory. God created all things, upholds all things and governs all things. (Matthew 28:19, Isaiah 46:8-11)
We believe that all scripture is the inspired WORD OF GOD. There is power in the scriptures which provides truth that instructs and guides us. Understanding their meaning and purpose points us to God’s love and power. Reading God’s word and hearing teaching based on God’s Word is an act of worship. (2 Timothy 3:16 &17, Romans 15:4, James 1:22)We believe in God the Father, who is PERSONAL AND PERFECT in all of His ways. He is a present God who is among us. He hears us in our prayers and he saves us from spiritual death through His Son, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 6:9, Isaiah 6:3, Romans 11:33-36, Matthew 7:11 &12, Isaiah 55:6-7)
We believe Jesus Christ is the only son of God and He himself in the flesh. Jesus was made through the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He was fully man while he lived on this earth and showed us how to live fully connected to the Father. God reconciled the world through the sacrifice and RESURRECTION OF JESUS. He has fulfilled the plan of God the Father to bring His Kingdom to earth. (John 10:14-18, Hebrews 4:15,Romans 5:8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Ephesians 1:20, 1 Thessalonians 4:16)
We believe in the Holy Spirit, left by Jesus and sent by God. THE SPIRIT LIVES in all who believe and gifts each believer with unique abilities that are to be used to point people to the greatness and goodness of the Father. We’re called to live according to the Spirit and exercise our gifts to honor and glorify God. We believe that loving God and loving others can only happen through the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us. Using our gifts is an act of worship. (John 15:26, Titus 3:4 – 7, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13, John 14:16, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
We believe that all people have fallen short of perfection, but yet are loved by God. He redeems us through Jesus Christ and gives us the Holy Spirit. We believe that a relationship with Jesus fueled by the Holy Spirit changes the way we love ourselves and others. We believe that GOD LOVES TO FORGIVE US when we miss the mark and is willing and able to forgive us over and over again. (Ephesians 2:1-10, Acts 2:38, Ezekiel 36:26, John 1:12-13, John 10:9)
We believe in the returning of Christ to claim those who accept Him as Savior. We believe that GOD’S HEART IS FOR EVERYONE to know and love Him forever. Those who choose to not give their lives to Jesus will live eternally apart from Him. (Acts 1:11, Matthew 25:31, 1 Corinthians 15:20-24, Revelation 20:11, Revelation 21:8)
Seeking to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We shall worship the one true God and avoid polytheistic worship and the invoking of ancestral spirits or other powers.
We shall avoid swearing and disparaging talk about God, or gossip about our neighbor.
We shall respect public times of worship and rest.
We shall respect the legitimate authority of the state, the family, the Church, and the University. We shall observe University rules and not participate in any public riot. Conviction of criminal, civil, or professional offences will be ground for discipline by the University.
We uphold the human and civil rights of persons regardless of race, class, ethnic group, or gender, including the unborn, and we renounce any physical or verbal abuse or another person.
We shall shun all sexual immorality, polygamy, adultery, fornication, and homosexual practice.
We shall not steal or engage in financial dishonesty of any kind.
We shall tell the truth and renounce all forms of plagiarism and false testimony.
Men and women will dress decently and will treat each other with decency and purity.
We shall exercise moderation in all things, avoiding the use of tobacco, drugs, pornography, or gambling. Use of alcohol is prohibited on campus, and drunkenness is an offence against the community.
We expect all staff, faculty, and University Council and committee members and students to conform to the rule and refrain from denying it.
Seeking to love God with all our soul and spirit.
We shall worship and participate regularly in a congregation and in the University Chapel.
We shall maintain a discipline of Bible reading and prayer.
We shall give generously to the work of the Lord and to the poor and needy.
We expect all full-time staff, faculty, and University Council and committee to conform to this rule, and we encourage all other staff and students to do likewise. All students may be required to attend worship on assigned days
In the spirit of liberty and love, we urge all members of the community to be reconciled to one another. Breaches of discipline will be handled at the appropriate level of University authority according to University and Guild regulation.
Living stones, living stones
We are holy, living stones
Built upon the firm foundation
That is Jesus
And as we cling to that Rock
Who became a Stumbling Stone
We remember we are living stones
See, in Zion He is known
As a chosen precious cornerstone
And the ones who come to trust in Him
Will never know the shame
That He bore on that Cross when it seems
That all was lost
He is a Stone that makes men stumble
The Rock that makes them fall
By the Word of His mouth
We are made one holy house
Though we live as scattered strangers
We are not homeless, we are free
We are one family and one fold
One Overseer of our souls
Says we are His own possession
We are living stones